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March 2021


Success despite all the problems

Given all the turmoil and uncertainty we have faced, I think we can look back on 2020 as being yet another successful year. Almost all the projects we supported in Italy were completed, albeit some in a scaled down form, and only one was rendered impossible by restrictions related to the pandemic.

With total clarity our colleagues have discussed matters and agreed to the diversion of some funds to keep things moving forwards, but at the end of the year they still had just over €10,000 unspent.

Your trustees, in agreement with Claudio Celada, the LIPU Conservation Director, see more signs of hope and optimism and have agreed to fund a series of projects around the country – full details appear later in this edition. In years past our members and friends have responded magnificently when we have launched our only appeal of the year and I hope, in all humility, that we can repeat that generosity. We have committed to raising a further €74,000 to pay for these projects and I hope you will agree that the choice of focus is worthy of your support. Please give what you can to make


  • Transition
  • Griffon Vultures and Diclofenac
  • Success in the Face of the Pandemic
  • Annual Appeal

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