Alien Unique in the world of birds, their special characteristics make swifts seem like far-distant beings. Yet they live in our cities, among us, and are loved by all. At risk now due to our heedless urban ways, there is extensive community action to protect them and a new project from LIPU to give hope […]
THE ROAD TO FOLLOW With a few weeks to go before the European parliamentary elections, we look back at the EU and its environmental policies, pivotal for nature conservation and the protection of birds. And think, in particular, of that terrace for migrating birds on the isle of Ventotene, where every year in the spring… […]
THE SACREDNESS OF NATURE Danilo Selvaggi, Director General As old as humankind, the idea of the sacredness of nature is written into the origins of environmentalism, and encourages us to think of Nature as not merely a resource to be exploited but as something of transcendent value. Ecological thinking is discovering new means of access […]
It Was the Nightingale, and Not the Lark Danilo Selvaggi, LIPU Director General Birds have accompanied human life and society from the earliest times, enriching them in every way. Materially and spiritually, we owe a real debt to them, and repayment is well overdue. From the Restoration Law to the poll on the next euro […]
A World against the Earth Danilo Selvaggi, LIPU Director General The most recent international studies confirm the extent of the crisis in biodiversity, and the threat to great numbers of species and habitats. But there is also a broadly based scientific and cultural movement working for a change in direction, aiming to change our relationship […]
A Sense of Ecological Wonder A feeling as old as humanity itself, wonder is assuming new significance thanks to the culture of ecology and the necessity of acting in defence of the planet. LIPU is contributing to the great European project for the renewal of nature and for the protection of the miniature marvels that […]
Home is where the heart is Danilo Selvaggi, LIPU Director General At the conclusion of a difficult yet rewarding project, our new national headquarters, Casa Lipu, has been born, thanks to a major donation from a generous member. It is an opportune moment to return to the history of the early ‘homes’ of our society […]
We are Birds Danilo Selvaggi, Director General With the striking initiative titled ‘The Birdsong Project’, a variety of musicians and artists are celebrating our kinship with birds, and allied with conservation organisations and international bodies are calling for their protection, ‘It is time to raise the standing of environmental politics’, says LIPU, ‘and to put […]
A Jewel of a Reserve A few years ago we helped fund the creation of a small but wonderful reserve near Milan and I wrote this in our blog at the time: A true oasis in a desert of water. That contradiction in terms describes an area we visited recently near the River Agogna south […]
What is it about Spring? By chance, Danilo writes in this issue of the current season at the same time as I feel my optimism rising and it’s all to do with this time of the year. Poets have written of it, seemingly for ever, but every year, at this time, it performs its little […]