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March 2015


This issue is different!  

A few words of explanation will, I hope, make that statement clearer. The normal production of the Ali in English requires a choice of articles from the Italian newsletter, their translation and their editing into the format which I hope we all enjoy.

It was different this time because LIPU is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and has produced a special edition of the Ali which contains the history of the organisation, but the length of this item would fill our Ali four times over. With no “normal” articles available we’ve resorted to translating some pieces from the Italian web site which we think are interesting – I hope you will agree. I am also very grateful for two items from members, contributions like this are always very welcome – please keep them coming in.

We hope to publish an abridged version of the history of LIPU in a future edition of the Ali because it is very interesting and you’ll be surprised just how much the early days were influenced by English men and women.

It’s a busy time of the year because 2015 is not just the British General Election, it is also the year to elect those who will guide LIPU for the next three years. There is more on this later in this issue. For us, it is also busy as we launch our one and only appeal of the year, and we hope that you will support it with the same generosity as in previous years, again there is more on a later page.

Finally, another Spring is almost on us and as the birds, which we all love, are about to embark on another season of raising young, we can be sure that our work in this country is helping those in Italy and this is all thanks to you, the members of LIPU-UK. Avanti!


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