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June 2024



Unique in the world of birds, their special characteristics make swifts seem like far-distant beings. Yet they live in our cities, among us, and are loved by all. At risk now due to our heedless urban ways, there is extensive community action to protect them and a new project from LIPU to give hope for the future.

There comes a day in Spring, a precise day, a precise moment (though a different one every year), when suddenly we hear a music from above. Atonal, cacophonous even, but irresistible. We look up to the skies and see them: the swifts have arrived. It is the moment when Spring truly becomes Spring. Only then does the beautiful season throw wide the windows of the year. The swifts have arrived. For some it is cause for celebration. For others, even if they are not consciously aware of it, it is the feeling that the world has been put back in order, and that life, on land and in the air, is flowing as it should.



  • Alien
  • Protest against Hunting Proposals
  • Raptors – most are doing well
  • Swallows and Farming

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