June 2019
by Fulvio Mamone Capria, LIPU President
Thank you
Dearest Members,
As you know, this is my last editorial, after eight years as your president. And there is no better way of greeting you than in remembering the extraordinary AGM held in Milan in May. There were many of us there to discuss nature and celebrate our association: members, delegates, friends, authorities, technicians who delivered quality content. The many young volunteers from Life Choose Nature paid close attention when, Guiseppe Guzzetti, president of the Fondazione Cariplo (our partner in several projects), spurred them into going ahead with passion. Also encouraging were the words of the Minister of the Environment, Sergio Costa, supporting the Habitat and Birds directives and the young as a resource for the future. A special event then, that in Milan, which spoke of the future – ours and that of the planet.
Can we change things? Can we win against global warming and the biodiversity crisis? Luca Marcalli, a guest at the Meeting, said that action was needed immediately to stop the relentless aggression of civilized man towards the Earth. The director general, Danilo Selvaggi, spoke of the article immediately following, thus like Laura Silva and Federica Luoni putting the topic of the decline in insects at the centre of the debate.
We hope that the renewed European Parliament will turn towards environmental politics, agricultural, economic and cultural, emphasising sustainability and technological innovation, reducing pollution, eliminating waste and rewarding virtue in agriculture by friends of biodiversity. The Europe that we want is that of courage, that which reduces noxious emissions into the atmosphere, safeguards Nature 2000, follows the LIFE projects agreed with LIPU and safeguards species and habitats at risk. We can do it, and so can LIPU, our extraordinary, dependable, association, that also, thanks to its wonderful members, always contributes to the cause of nature, and of which for eight years, I have had the honour of being president.
My deepest gratitude goes to all of you, faithful Members, for the continuity and the love with which you support us. A love that starts with the volunteers in every part of the country, as well as the more peripheral where it is difficult to defend nature, and to the staff who manage an enormous technical task. To the new management board and to the next president, my best wishes, in order that our association continues to grow and train citizens in the respect of beauty, birds and life. I will stay, as ever, close to LIPU and as a volunteer will do my best to save our winged friends. Together with you, in this amazing community that is called LIPU. Good Luck, Happy Summer and Long Live LIPU!
- Environmental Apocalypse
- Lesser Kestrel Nesting Boxes
- ChooNa – Volunteers for Nature
- The Great Extinction – Insects