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Raptor monitoring season begins

As I said recently one of the projects supported by LIPU-UK this year is the 14th survey of raptors migrating from their southern wintering grounds. Here is the first progress report from Marco Gustin of LIPU’s Species Research dept.

From Marco Gustin

The 14th season of LIPU’s annual monitoring of the spring raptor migration across the Straits of Messina began on March 20th at two sites: Dinnamare and Monte Ciccia.

Several hundred raptors were logged in the first week of observation, among which were:

2 Adult Egyptian Vultures

1 Honey Buzzard (on March 20th, the first day, an extraordinarily early arrival)

30-40 Pallid Harriers

2-3 Hen and Montagu’s Harriers

1 Steppe Buzzard

1 Goshawk

White Storks, including a group of 50

4-5 Black Storks

3-4 Osprey

Some hundreds of Marsh Harriers

Some tens of Booted Eagles

Some hundreds of Black Kites

More news to follow,




The picture shows a group of the volunteers in 2016. Normally they are spread around different viewpoints but here they come together to pose for the photograph. Local organiser Andrea Corso is at the telescope.

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